We invest in clean energy technologies, partnering with innovators to transform their businesses into high-impact market leaders.
GEC has invested in forward-looking energy technology, software and services businesses since 2008. Our experienced multi-disciplinary team, broad networks and thematic approach support our ability to build lasting value for our portfolio companies, investors and other industry partners.
Consistency in our focus and rigor in our investment process enables us to capture attractive opportunities as market dynamics change.
Our focus on delivering flexible capital solutions and amplifying growth leads to strong returns and long-term business viability.
We believe lasting value is a direct result of building strong partnerships with our portfolio companies, our industry partners and among our team.
We communicate with honesty and transparency, unafraid to seek diverse views as we raise, discuss and resolve challenges along the path to success.
We believe in leveraging our skills and network to support the visionary entrepreneurs driving the energy transformation. We roll up our sleeves and walk alongside our partners to guide strategic planning and operational best practices.
Led by a shared vision for the future and an open, creative approach to problem solving, we advance each new opportunity with a clear perspective on ensuring the best long-term outcome.
We invest wisely and manage our portfolio actively, which has led to strong long-term value creation for all stakeholders.
GEC actively evaluates the sustainability and environmental impact factors of each investment as we strive to build a more efficient, cleaner energy supply chain.